Celeb & Hollywood Gossip Information
Increasingly, we are seeing our information providers giving us news that would not ever have been printed in earlier years. If one have been to read the history of the ANC in Exile and how they purged those suspected of being Mdlwembe(promote-outs) many individuals lost their lives. The first to be purged have been the Wankie Wars War veterans, and the ANC’s killer squad dominated the ANC. What is being mentioned above about Mbeki, the security apparatus and the NEC controlling and main the ANC, is nothing new; the interior fighting, and conceitedness and energy within the palms of those unknown faces and identified, is what is behind the obfuscation, lies, deceit, spin and distortion with a purpose to handle South africa as they did in Exile: not consulting their voters or membership, and doing as they see fit, and expected no is what is going on in the present …
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